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Cria des reinas (Spanish edition of Breeding queens) - Gilles Fert

Cria des reinas (Spanish edition of Breeding queens) - Gilles Fert

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Mr Fert is an expert beekeeper and breeder of queens. His book is designed to help those beekeepers who want to rear just a few good queens, as well as those who want to rear more. Individual beekeepers can easily select the best queens from which to breed their own stock. These queens will be well suited to their region, and can be used to breed further replacements. Information is given about mating, marking and caging queens. The production and use of package bees is described. There is a chapter on instrumental insemination, and a useful bibliography is also included. The book is clearly written, and very well illustrated. Beekeepers often think that queen rearing is difficult. This book should help to revise their opinion.

Gilles Fert
1997 Spanish edition 104 pages